
SpielMas (noun) [sh-peel`-məs]: a holiday festival celebrated by playing a tabletop game each night between December 26-31.


What days do I play?

Day 1 - December 26

Day 2 - December 27

Day 3 - December 28

Day 4 - December 29

Day 5 - December 30

Day 6 - December 31

What should I play?

It doesn’t matter, as long you play with someone you know. Online or IRL!

How do I share?

Start by using the #SpielMas hashtag in your social posts. Then we’ll share the best ones on our social channels and under Displays.

What’s the display?

It’s where you mark and thus celebrate the game you played that day.

It can be any base that can hold six things.

Does this cost anything?

Aside from the physical game, no. And many of the online sites where you can play games with friends are free to use.

Will you make any money?

Nope. This is merely a marketing campaign around increasing the playing, purchasing and enjoying of other people’s games.

Plus, the idea itself is open source. Please share and attribute back to this site.


At the heart of the festival is the celebration, and that’s reflected in the display of what you played. There’s one you can print and use for free, but so much creativity has come from people who developed their own displays and the pieces they used.

Greg and a couple friends playing Splendor on a camping trip.

Greg Pool (right) of Haole Boy Games came up with the idea of SpielMas in the Fall of 2020, when the pandemic forced him to find a new gaming group online.